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Simply Grateful
Are there secrets to a life of Thanksgiving? Or perhaps it's right there in the Word of God? Take a short few minutes to read the real truth about living grateful to your Maker for all He has done. Thankfulness is a transforming way to live that not only will improve your own outlook, but will bring blessings into your life that will overflow into the lives of those around you and the people you love. Change your world by becoming addicted to gratefulness and watch God pour out into you as you never thought possible. Follow along with this simple guide written by Matt and Nancy Davenport that will help you to see, in a simple and short narrative, that life is much better when we live grateful to God for all He has done.

Abundant Life Bible Study
Abundant Life is often thought of as a mysterious thing unless you have money. Guess what? it has very little to do with money or success. In this the first of our Abundant Life Bible Study curriculum, we start to get an understanding of what Jesus was talking about when He said that He came to give Abundant Life. Click the red download button to get a .pdf copy of this Bible Study. It is completely free and you can print as many copies as you like to either pass around to others or do a Bible Study within your own group. Please join our newsletter and blog group, so you will be notified when the next section is uploaded and available.

From The White House To My House
Can we really change our community? Can we, as just average Christians, change our community and see it deep in Revival? The answer is a resounding YES! Not because we are or can be something special, but because we have Jesus inside of us. "From The Whitehouse To My House" is a simple, straight forward handbook that is designed to be used as a reference to help us understand ways to pray for our cities, towns and neighborhoods. To pray for individuals and groups. To literally "cover" our community in prayer. And the prayer of the righteous is effective! This handbook is a stand-alone reference or can be used in conjunction with a teaching guide for a group setting. These are priced to find their way into everyone's hands!

“From The White House To My House” will walk you through a simple week with basic guidelines that will assist you as you seek Revival for your city. This curriculum teaches a basic design for prayer in your day that will not only give you tools for Revival, but growth in your own prayer life. Culminating with a deep, profound desire for the burden to pray!

Inside there are sample prayers to get you started, covering every people group, Sunday through Saturday. Helping you to finish your week having prayed for each people group, individuals you know personally, and empowering you to go boldly and go further with God!

Scribbles 31 Day Devotional & Journal
In this first of a 12 volume series, we explore the most important of all topics: Love. Ultimately going through the "Love Chapter", 1 Corinthians 13 and seeing what Paul had intended for us to see and understand about Love! Have you ever asked questions like is there more to God’s Love for me? Is it conditional? How do I find it? What does it do to me? Can the Love of God flow through me to others? When you are done with this 31 Day Devotional & Journal, those and many other questions will be answered! Follow along as we go from understanding the Love God has placed on Earth, to seeing it, to feeling it, to accepting it, to living in it, and finally, to giving it out. There is, indeed, more to God’s Love for mankind than we ever thought. In one example, God’s Love is a 10. Our love can be varied according to what we are dealing with. In fact, our love for others can often depend on how much coffee we managed to get in the morning before work. God’s Love is never dependent upon anything. It’s a 10 first thing in the morning. And at midnight, when someone is begging Him for help. It never fails and it never runs out.

Some of our publications are available for free downloads as a .pdf file. You can take these and print them out and redistribute. Keep in mind that these are freely given, so therefore we ask that you freely give them to others.