100 Books - #3 "The Trials of Dr. Watson""

Put upon trial, Dr. Watson doesn't hold up as well as Mr. Holmes credited him!



9/19/20222 min read

Our review today is on the book named, "The Trials of Dr. Watson", written by Dr. Leslie Poular.

"When it came right down to it, John Watson was a fraud." At least that was the accusation to wit of Dr. Leslie Poular. And she should know as she was a real doctor of the times that Watson so blitheringly wrote. Across the moors, down the cobbled and fog shrouded streets, from the castles bearing wealthy and famous names, onto the foreign soils of adventure, the good doctor wrote it all. Always on the mark of accomplishments so cunningly dared and solved by the famous graspings of Sherlock Holmes.

Fascinatingly, the young Poular followed his (Watson) every tale with the ironic duty of a magnifying glass. Down to the minutia of cigar ash origins (one of Holmes' oft used clues that no one in the world at the time understood). Details that left the reader (Poular or any) baffled at the strange but brilliant stories. Stories that, while amazing, seemed ever so slightly flawed. "Too many missing parts and unanswered questions," she wrote.

In this treatise of murderous journalism, Poular nevertheless stuck to the facts and, sure to her suspicions she found the truth was more than obvious. Watson was a fraud, indeed. Yet, deep into her investigations, she began to explore the thoughts of writing her findings down in the same fashion as the enchanting Holmes' assistant had.

Having been such an ardent devotee at the onset, she struggled with the truth and the desire to journal her own discoveries. She feared being that which she both idolized and spurned for his wicked and gross misrepresentations of the Sherlock Holmes marquee. To which, clearly, we see she failed in her resolve and loyalty to the truth. Having sold thousands of copies.

Did she fail? Was her uncovering of the fraudulent and fabricated Dr. John Watson a real issue? One may never know. Understanding, of course, the truth that what was written was a dissimulated anecdote concerning a dissimulated anecdote. Reported to you as a dissimulated anecdote in practice.

Was it well done? Of course it was! After all, she was a doctor writing about a doctor who wrote about the most brilliant detective in history! It was brilliant, Holmes. Just brilliant!

This book is not in print.

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