Joey was a normal 16-year-old New Yorker. As normal as the youngest of 12 siblings could be, anyway. He had a bright future until he was kidnapped and came to realize his own family was behind it. His last memory was a disastrous prom date.

Miraculously he survives but realizes if he goes back, he’s dead.

Next for him is adulthood. But long before he is ready. His fight to stay alive takes him on a world tour. Ports of call, pirates, mobsters, human and sex trafficking. And Presidents.

He struggles with those who will betray him, forget him, cheat him, and do whatever they can to kill him. And he continues in a quest for justice for himself. But, instead, he prepares for a life behind bars.

Then everything changes when he decides to read one certain Book.

Join this adventure inspired by the amazing story of Joseph in the Bible. Available December 2022.

Moses Kincaid was done with life. He’d survived two wives, watching both die helplessly. He then poured himself into his life as a truck driver. But his company forced him into retirement before he was ready. Then he met Hudson Foster. Hudson had all the money he needed. But all that money would not fix his body. He did have One thing that Kincaid needed. Whether Kincaid knew it or not.

These two team up to take on adventure as they cross the country they love: America! Follow their exciting, adventuresome, sometime dangerous and scary, trek from Watertown, New York, to the crystal clear waters of the Florida Keys to the high desert of California. Share in the buddy story that will forever change both of them! And maybe you, too!

You can buy "Driver" on Amazon for $14.99 or $17.99 for the hard cover by clicking HERE. If you would like a signed copy, please CONNECT with us for details. Additional charges will apply.

Aaron and Tommy are best friends heading into their 12th summer. A simple bike ride turns into a scary adventure when they become aware of a secret plot to kill hundreds of thousands of people. But they can’t just tell anyone. Trust is a paramount issue. However, as 12-year-olds, there’s not much they can do on their own. But they are determined to not let that stop them. As they follow the clues they were given, they discover an ultra-secret organization known only as Blaqwatch. Before long, they are working side by side.

Born and raised in the Redwoods of Northern California, they find their backwoods fun turns into backwoods survival. The group behind the planned attack will stop at nothing to silence the boys. With limited help, they remain vigilant, determined to find out who is behind it and stop them before an entire city is wiped out.

You can buy "Blaqwatch" for $18.99 on Amazon by clicking HERE. If you would like a signed copy, please CONNECT with us for details. Additional charges will apply.

Malcolm “Hutch” Hutchford is a tough LA Police Detective. He’s fought every kind of criminal imagined. From thieves and murderers to gangs and drug pushers. Creeps of every kind and background. But nothing fully prepared him for his vacation.

By a series of false conclusions, he finds himself dropped on a mountain, deep into the wilderness of Springtime Alaska. Left to die. With the most ferocious that the wild country has to throw at him, he is determined to live. But the cost will be more than just wanting to live. He will need some help from an unexpected Source.

Death waits at every turn, but Hutch refuses to give up. He learns the way of survival. He learns about wolves and bears. He learns how to endure the greatest of pain. But the hardest lesson he has to learn will be about his past.

You can buy "Hutch" for $13.99 on Amazon by clicking HERE. If you would like a signed copy, please CONNECT with us for details. Additional charges will apply.

“‘Twas a time of the Knight. When quests and fables abound. When man fought to live and lived for conquest. A time of trolls and dragons. Such lore that stirred the heart to seek out the truth.

"I was upon my first quest. To seek that which was denied many afore myself. Yet I found far more than that which was within my quest. I found one that would fight with me. That would teach me, though I be stubborn of it. One that would not fold about when the heart screeched of fear. He and I would build a friendship that was unbreakable. And through that I would see Who he found his fortitude from. He went about, all that he was, good and strong, all he had, all he proclaimed, always, always he spoke such. “’Tis not I, but yea, ‘tis My King.””

Follow Sir Meritus as he seeks the Chalice of Tribute. An adventure that will take you along with him and his new cohort, Caducus, through perils unimagined with beasts of legend, criminals of foul repute and young maidens in distress to find that the greatest quest does not end with a simple trinket.

You can buy "My King: The Chalice of Tribute" for $11.99 on Amazon by clicking HERE. If you would like a signed copy, please CONNECT with us for details. Additional charges will apply.

Upcoming Books!

A great adventure lays before Joey Isakson as he travels the world to find solace in what he thought was a family out to get him. A modern re-telling of Joseph in Genesis. This book is in the editing phases and will be launched December, 2022

A true space opera, follow young Cob Fanru as he tags along on an adventure he is most unlikely to survive. Across the galaxy to the planet known at Moaglan, to save the people of his home world. This book will be released in early Spring, 2023.

Sir Caducus returns to the south in a battle to bring freedom to all people and the news that Basil will set them free from the tyranny of the dark kingdom. Join our courageous hero as he leads a team of knights and soldiers to undo the evil that plagues the land. Projected release is Summer, 2023.